Taste Of The Valley
Virginia Wine Festival 2025
June 14
4:00 pM - 9:00 pm
The Midway on the FairGrounds
Showcasing Local Wines, Spirits and Food.
Food available onsite. All proceeds will go to updating and renovating the Fair Grounds and Page County's Economic development projects.
• $25/$35 (Early Bird(Ends June 14/At Door) General Admission
• $5 Designated Driver Ticket
• All General Admission Ticket sales will receive an Official “A Taste of the Valley” 5 oz. frosted cup and Six (6) free beverage vendor tickets while supplies last
• Beverage vendor tickets can be exchanged for sampling of one beverage vendors products. (ie. If a vendor brings 4 wines, one vendor ticket can be exchanged for a sample of all 4).
• RV camping spaces available upon request.
First up on stage is 184 Band a Local favorite from 4-6. Check Them out at https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61561791459585
Hitting the stage from 6-9: Cazhmiere
Cazhmiere is one of the Mid-Atlantic's most in demand top 40 dance bands. Based out of the Eastern Panhandle of WV, they also play in Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, and North Carolina. Cazhmiere prides themselves on being diverse musically playing everything from modern radio rock to today's most popular hip hop, to the smooth vibes of old school R&B. The members of Cazhmiere bring various nationally recognized playing experience to the table making this band a true force to be reckoned with from both a musical perspective, and high energy stage performance. Their 16 years of chemistry together show's in every performance.
Registered Festival Beverage Vendors
Registered Festival food Vendors