Youth 9-19

  • A. To enter in this section all exhibitors must be between the ages of 5 to 19 years old. Youth under the age of 9 will NOT be eligible for the sweepstakes award.

    B. All Entries must be grown by the exhibitor

    C. Entries in this section will be taken from 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. All those in line by 2:00 p.m. will be accepted, BUT you must be in line by 2:00 p.m. Thank you!

    Prizes: 1st - $3.00; 2nd - $2.00; 3rd - $1.00

Field Crops


a) Grain Yellow, 3 stalks
b) Largest Ear, 1
c) Shelled Corn, 2 cups
d) Shucked Yellow, 3 ears
e) Corn Silage, 3 Stalks

2. Ensilage, already chopped

a) Barley, 2 cups
b) Corn, 2 cups
c) High moisture corn, 2 cups

3. Grains

a) Barley, 2 cups
b) Oats, 2 cups
c) Rye, 2 cups
d) Soybeans, 2 cups
e) Soybean stalks, 3 stalks
f) Wheat, 2 cups

4. sorghum

a) Sorghum stalks for grain, 3 stalks
b)  Sorghum stalks for silage, 3 stalks

5. Hay

(1/4 Bale)
a) Alfalfa
b) Clover
c) Fescue
d) Lespedeza
e) Millet
f) Mixed
g) Orchard grass
h) Timothy

Vegetables & Fruits

(The number beside is how many are to be on a plate unless it says cup.)

6. Apples

a) Golden Delicious, 3
b) Red Delicious, 3
c) Miscellaneous, 3

7.  Beans

a) Green dried, 1 cup
b) Green flat, 5
c) Green regular, 5
d) Lima Pod, 5
e) Lima shelled, 1 cup

8. Beets, 3

9. Blackberries, 5

10. Broccoli, 2 bunches

11. Brussel sprouts, 5

12. Cabbage

a) Green, 1
b) Largest Head, 1
c) Red, 1

13. Cantaloupe

           a) Largest, 1

           b) Regular, 1

14. Carrots, 3

15. Cauliflower Head, 1

16. Chestnuts, 2 clusters

17. Corn

a) Bi-Colored Sweet Shucked, 5 ears
b) Indian Mini-Ears Shucked, 5 ears
c) Indian Shucked, 5 ears
d) Popcorn Shucked, 5 ears
e) White Sweet Shucked, 5 ears
d) Yellow Sweet Shucked, 5 ears

\18. Cushaw, 1

19. Cucumbers

a) Pickling, 3
b) Slicing, 3
c) Miscellaneous, 3

20. Damsons, 3

21. Eggplant, 1

22. Eggs

a) Brown, ½ dozen
b) Green, ½ dozen
c) White, ½ dozen
d) Miscellaneous, ½ dozen

23. Figs, 3

24. Grapes    

a) Blue or Purple, 1 bunch
b) Red or Pink, 1 bunch
c) White, 1 bunch

25. Gourds

a) Birdhouse, 1
b) Gooseneck Swan, 1
c) Long Handle, 1
d) Mixed Variety, 5 or more

26. Greens

a) Kale, 5 leaves
b) Mustard, 5 leaves
c) Spinach, 5 leaves
d) Swiss Chard, 5 leaves
e) Turnip, 5 leaves

27. Nectarines, 5

28. Okra, 5

29. Onions

a) Red, 3          
b) White, 3
c) Yellow, 3

30. Parsnips, 3

31. Peaches, 3

32. Pears, 3

33. Peppers (Hot)

a) Banana Hot, 3
b) Cayenne, 3
c) Chili, 3
d) Habanero, 3
e) Jalapeno, 3
f) Miscellaneous, 3

34. Peppers (Regular)

a) Banana, any variety, 3
b) Green Bell, 3
c) Orange Bell, 3
d) Red Bell, 3
e) Yellow Bell, 3
f) Miscellaneous, 3

35. Potatoes

a) Funniest Shape, novelty, 1
b) Irish Cobble, 3
c) Kennebec, 3
d) Largest Potato, 1
e) Red Pontiac, 3
f) Sweet, 3
g) Yukon Gold, 3
h) Miscellaneous, 3

36. Plums, 3

37. Pumpkin

a) Field, 1
b) Jack-o-lantern, 1
c) Largest, 1
d) Miniature, 3
e) Pie, 1

38. Radish

a) Red, 3
b) White, 3

39. Raspberries, 5

40. Rhubarb, 5 stalks

41. Salsify, 3

42. Squash

a) Acorn, 1
b) Butternut, 1
c) Largest, 1
d) Patty Pan, 1
e) Spaghetti, 1
f) Yellow Crook Neck, 2
g) Yellow Straight, 2
h) Miscellaneous, 1

43. Sunflower

a) Best Seed Head, 1
b) Largest, 1
c) Miniature, 1
d) Ornamental, 1

44. Tomatoes, Small Variety

a) Cherry Red, 5
b) Cherry Yellow, 5
c) Grape, 5
d) Pear, 5
e) Miscellaneous

45. Tomatoes, Larger Varieties

a) Orange, 3
b) Pink, 3
c) Red Canning, 3
d) Red Slicing, 3
e) Roma, 3
f) Yellow, 3
g) Miscellaneous, 3

46. Turnips, 3

47. Watermelon

a) Green Whole, 1
b) Largest, 1
c) Stripped Whole, 1
d) Sugar Baby Round, 1

48. Zucchini

a) Largest, 1
b) Regular, 2

49. Fruit Basket, minimum of 6 different varieties

50. Vegetable Basket, minimum of 6 different varieties